Part 1 of 2
Billy Mills never worried about the dark spot on his upper right thigh because he had had it for as long as he could remember. But when a gym mate, during class showers, saw it and mentioned that it might be some sort of cancerous “thing” and that he should have it checked out, he did develop a bit of a scare.
Erring on the side of caution, Billy made an appointment at his family clinic. His regular doctor was not in, but that would be OK, he thought as he thumbed through old magazines in the waiting room. This clinic was part of an outreach of a medical school located on campus and frequently offered courses in various patient treatment issues. He just wanted to have it looked at and be out of there. A side door opened, and a young man in a nurse uniform who looked barely 20 and had sandy hair called his name. Billy got up and followed him into the hallway and to a cubical where his weight, blood pressure, and so on were taken and recorded. He noticed the guy’s name badge said “Nurse Tucker.”
“All seems fine with the basics,” said the cheerful nurse. “Now, what specifically did you want to see the doctor about?”
“It’s nothing, really, just a mole I have had for a long time on my ... um ... right thigh.”
“OK, let me see it,” Tucker said. Billy hesitated because he thought the normal procedure was to go into an exam room first, not pull his pants down in this tiny intake cubical, which was only three-sided like a squared “C,” since the hallway side was fully open. “Billy, I just need to see it to make a note of the size and shape to document why you are here.” Billy bought his explanation without realizing it was against clinic policy to have an intake nurse do any type of exam, especially not in his/her cubical. Billy stood up and undid his belt.
“That’s fine, Billy. No need to take your pants all the way down, just low enough for me to see it.” Wanting Billy’s hand out of the way, Tucker added, “Would you mind gathering the bottom of your t-shirt and holding it up? Thanks.” Without waiting for permission or objection, the nurse undid the zipper, slipped Billy’s pants down a few inches, and then let go of them. As he suspected, the weight of the heavy leather and metal belt pushed the pants all the way down to rest on the tops of his shoes. Billy wanted to bend over immediately and pull his pants most of the way back up. Tucker had already planted one hand on each of Billy’s underwear-covered hips. Tucker was seated as Billy remained standing. The nurse continued to hold unnecessarily onto the patient’s torso, noting the pleasantly shaped bulge in his briefs.
“Now … you said it was on your right thigh?” Billy nodded. Tucker carefully guided Billy’s right thigh to within inches of the front of his face, held him like that, and said, “I don’t see it.” Billy blushed and whispered that it was under his green T-shirt. “Oh, silly me,” Tucker said. “Would

Without warning, Tucker quickly lowered Billy’s dark grey underwear and just slid them down to rest on his bunched-up pants. Billy turned red with embarrassment but respected the authority of the nurse trying to help him. “Now, let me see here.” Tucker methodically placed his left hand on his outer thigh and his right hand on his inner thigh, allowing his right hand to push firmly upward and press into Billy’s crotch. Tucker liked this position because the back of his right hand touched Billy’s low-hanging balls and semi-flaccid dick. Yet, Tucker showed no interest in or intentionally touching the patient’s private parts. As he adjusted the palm of his right hand, the back of it rubbed and teased Billy’s now-growing uncut dick.
“Johan? Are you there?” A voice answered from the next cubical. “Would you come here a minute, please?” Immediately a muscularly built black man of about 30 entered, also in a nurse’s uniform, and entered Tucker’s space. Johan flashed a surprised lustful look at what he saw, but he quickly changed his expression to a professional stare of medical interest. A growing sense of humiliation was adding to Billy’s feeling of embarrassment. “Johan, I’m stretching the thigh skin a little, but I need you to measure the size of this spot.
What was going on? Billy’s head spun as he stood there naked, fully exposed to the hallway and the people periodically passing by. Why are these two male nurses doing a medical exam out here? Where is the examination room? Where is the doctor? And to add to all his humiliations, his erection, which he thought no one seemed to notice, was growing firmer, forcing the head of his dick to slide out from the surrounding foreskin.
“Is this the only spot he has?” Just as he and Tucker interacted before, Johan played along whenever a male hottie came in for what they knew was a non-serious issue.
“No, I think I saw one on his testicles,” said Tucker, without letting go of Billy’s thigh. “Just check around the scrotum toward the left side.” Johan squatted down and lifted up Billy’s dick to get a better look at his balls.
“I don’t see anything here, Tucker.” Johan said, sounding unconcerned and looking at Billy’s face, “I’ll see what I can feel with my fingers. OK with you, Billy?” Billy shuddered as he tried to vocalize an objection, but nothing coherent came out. So Johan very gently cupped the patient’s balls in the palm of his hand as his fingers teased and tickled around the full sac, which caused Billy’s dick to rest on the inside of Johan’s wrist.
“Nope, no spots, and I don’t feel any irregularities.” Then, Johan picked up the ruler and held it over the dark spot Tucker was pretending to be most concerned about, which was obviously a simple birthmark. “7.5 mm across and seems completely round.” Tucker only then let go of Billy’s thigh and typed the information into his medical record.
Both nurses traded quirk smirks as they watched obedient Billy Mills, still standing, holding his shirt above his luscious tits, exposing his completely naked torso, with his leaking hard-on jutting out as if he was a two-bit whore at a prostitutes’ convention.
That caused Johan to notice Billy’s syrupy ooze on his bare forearm. Johan overtly licked his forearm with one swipe of his thick wide tongue, making a lip-smacking sound right under the puzzled gaze of the patient.
“OK, Billy …” The patient was locked in a mesmerizing stare at Johan. “Billy?” Tucker said louder, “You can let your shirt down now and pull up your pants. I have all the info I need. Let’s see where the doctor wants you.” Then Tucker turned to his co-worker and said, “Johan, I think Dr. Carlton is in the empty classroom with the interns. Would you ask him where he wants to examine Billy Mills?” Johan left to find out and returned in just a few minutes, saying that the doctor wanted Billy to join him in the classroom now. Then Johan returned to his own cubical with a big smile on his face.
Fortunately for Billy, his erection subsided entirely when he got dressed. I was glad this embarrassing medical “intake” procedure was over. “OK, Billy, just follow me down the hall.” Tucker escorted him to a door marked “Classroom A,” knocked once, and then just opened it and gestured to Billy inside as he handed his medical folder to Dr. Carlton.
“Ah, Mr. Mills,” the doctor said as he opened the folder and scanned the chart. He asked Billy if inviting a couple of interns in would be OK to observe his exam. Billy shrugged as if to signal it did not matter to him. Dr. Carlton told Tucker to bring in the interns, and soon four other doctors arrived and stood around the patient.
“Now that everyone is here,” Dr. Carlton addressed his interns. “Let’s start. Billy, I know your dark spot is on your thigh, but let’s have you strip down to your underwear to see what else we can find.”
“But Doctor, I just have the one spot here,” Billy said as he undid his pants and shoved them and his underwear down a few inches off his hip. “See? I’ve had it as long as I can remember.” Dr. Carlton noticed it was indeed a harmless birthmark but wanted the opportunity to further the education and experience of his interns. So he uttered no conclusions.
“Billy, we need to do a complete exam of your entire body, so please strip down to your underwear.” Billy was looking for a place to undress but saw the doctors staring and waiting. He nervously undressed, leaving on only his briefs. “That’s fine. Now doctors, gather round and look closely at this dark spot.” Billy felt awkward and almost manhandled by the doctors who rotated around him, each pulling down his underwear a little further and fingering the birthmark for texture. In contrast, other doctors felt his skin in all places to check for other marks or bumps.
Dr. Carlton stood up, holding Billy’s shoulders and addressing the interns, saying, “Don’t hesitate to also examine the penis and testicles. That’s very important too. Sometimes, unusual moles and marks can also be seen around the anus. Remember, patients are often too embarrassed or shy about pointing out any concerns involving their genitalia, so it is your job to include these areas without asking the patient’s permission.”
“Thoroughness is the order of the day.” Then Dr. Carlton turned to Billy and, rather bluntly, told him, “Now bend over, Billy.” Which he did and placed his hands on his knees. “ Next, ... let’s begin with Dr. Christian... you will examine Billy’s anus first, so please sit on the stool. And, Dr. Kim, ... I want you to come in close here and stretch Billy’s butt cheeks apart so Dr. Christian can see the tissue in that entire area clearly. That’s fine.” Dr. Carlton instructed both interns to move closer to the bent-over patient whose underwear fell to his ankles.
Billy Mills tried to interrupt, “But ... my spot is on the front of ....” Billy was ignored as Dr. Carlton continued to issue instructions to his interns. “OK, notice how the patient is positioned, with his feet together and hobbled by his underwear. Let me demonstrate something here. Dr. Epstein, ... would you come around in the patient’s front and remove his briefs so Billy can spread his feet apart to be more balanced.” The intern tapped Billy’s feet, one after the other, so he’d raise them to allow the underwear to be removed.
“Now, Billy, just spread your feet comfortably wide apart.” He did. “See, now the patient has more stability. But that’s not the main point I want to make here. Dr. Epstein, please stand up and place your hand on Billy’s upper back and gently push his upper body fully over, all the way until his chest touches his knees.” Billy naturally repositioned his arms fully around his knees as if hugging them, and Dr. Epstein stood back.
“No, no,” Dr. Carlton said, “Dr. Epstein, don’t leave him standing in that bent-over position unsupported. He might fall. Keep your body close to his so your knees are lightly against his upside-down back.” The intern moved into the described position. Billy was bent fully in an upside-down “U” and had the back of his head against Dr. Epstein’s lower legs. This thrust Billy’s ass fully up and outward. “That’s right, doctor. Now, gently place one hand on Billy’s hips to steady him so Dr. Christian can complete his exam. And, Dr. Simon, ... will you take the camera. We’ll need you to photograph Billy’s position here. I want some enlargements posted in the employees’ lounge as an example of the proper way to do this type of exam.”
“Dr. Carlton, really, my ass is fine, I just have ... “ Billy, who was getting more and more embarrassed and feeling humiliated at what he was hearing, and feeling all the hands everywhere on his body, tried to speak up, but the doctors were not paying attention to him, at least, not to his words.
“Now we will do this same exam four times, as each of you interns will rotate positions, and each will do a different role. I’m sure Billy won’t mind. So ... Dr. Christian ... you’re first. Put on a glove and lube up your index finger.” He did. “Now stoop down so Billy’s anus is at your eye level so you can both feel and see any abnormalities on the outside of his anus. Then slowly insert your finger to your first knuckle and move it in a circular motion, then push your finger in further and repeat the same motion, and finally, push it in all the way and feel further in for abnormalities.”
Dr. Christian could not help but notice Billy’s engorged penis pointing to the floor and leaking precum. But the doctor thought it was unprofessional to point it out to anyone. He did ask Billy to spread his legs further apart on the pretense of examining his ass better. But it was to get a better look at Billy’s growing, leaking dick that was showing between his wide-stretched legs. Billy’s boner was obscenely obvious and pointing directly to the floor as Dr. Christian completed his turn as “inserter.”
“OK, now, will you, Dr. Bowman, take the camera this time, and everyone rotates once, to the next position, with Dr. Epstein taking the stool to do the next insertion exam.”
Billy finally spoke up,” But Dr. Carlton, I have an issue here. I really need to go to the bathroom and... and ... I mean, ... I don’t know why, but ... but ... my penis is ... ah ... I mean, I’m about ready to... I’m light-headed. An accident might ... I mean, ... may I please go to the restroom and take care of ...” Poor Billy was about to explode his load of cum all over the floor. He could not help it. And, with all the winks secretly exchanged between the 5 doctors, Billy’s increasingly erotic state was no surprise to them. More actually put, it was indeed orchestrated by them. Billy remained naked, in the upside down “U” position, and the several doctors held him exactly like that, even as he spoke. His ass constantly jutting up and outward.
“Now Billy,” Dr. Carlton spoke in a soft voice to comfort him, “Sorry, but these things happen. Part of our using you here and now is so these new doctors can experience proper patient procedures as well as check you for any unusual issues you may have. Billy? Do you really want to impede the education of these new doctors? Of course not. Besides, we are almost done here.” Dr. Carlton lied, knowing he had a long way to go. “Your main concern is that you dripped quite a bit of precum on our floor.” Billy was bent over, held like that, and looking down at the growing puddle of ooze accumulating between his outstretched feet. “Not to worry, Billy. Not a problem if you leak during the exam.”
“Dr. Kim, hand me Billy’s t-shirt.” Billy Mills arrived with no outer shirt, only one colorful t-shirt. “That’s right,” Dr. Carlton said as he took the shirt. “Here you go, Billy. Use this to wipe up as much of that puddle as you can for now. Then just leave it on the floor to sop up anything additional. It happens; it’s not a big deal. Right doctors?” They exchanged more secret smirks and nods. Of course, they had planned to cause Billy a lot more humiliation. They would manure their teen medical study to expel more than just that amount of precum.
“But doctor ... I ... I don’t have another shirt. I only...” Dr. Carlton ignored him.
“OK, Dr. Epstein, as Billy cleans our floor, go ahead with your exam and insert your finger as you have already witnessed.” Dr. Epstein wiggled his gloved index finger fully into Billy’s upturned asshole. “At the same time, doctor, examine the skin of his testicle sac and check it for any lumps or bumps.” He did, using his other hand very lightly and teasingly. At the same time, Billy released an uncontrollable moan, dripped more ooze, and gave way to his body shaking. It was all too much, naked in front of these 5 doctors, bent over and forced to hug his knees tightly to his chest with one hand as he used his other hand to wipe off globes of precum under him.
These doctors continued to touch him all over, and as one doctor or another, continuously finger fucked his asshole. He thought about having to wear the cum-soaked t-shirt home on the bus, and everyone would smell him and would assume he had beaten off and was wearing tons of cum all over himself. He was breathing hard. Dr. Epstein slowly moved his finger in and out of Billy’s ass, reading all the kid’s feverish erotic body language foretelling of a building, impending climax. But Dr. Epstein did not want Billy to climax ... yet.
Billy was stripped naked and standing before these five doctors. He was then told to bend over all the way until his chest touched his knees, like an upside-down “U,” thus causing his ass to stick up and out. “Now, Dr. Epstein,” Dr. Carlton directed his intern, “now that you have inserted your finger in the patient’s anus, rotate your inserted finger clockwise and then counterclockwise, repeatedly and slowly. You should be able to feel any interior abnormalities.” He did as directed. Billy was so weak-kneed that if Dr. Christian had not held him up by his hips, he would have fallen over due to lightheadedness. Instead, he was maintained in that position as the doctors all got a closer look at Billy’s reddening penis reaching its maximum length and girth.
Billy was no longer in control of his body. He was not holding his T-shirt. He had long since dropped to the floor. He was not even hugging his knees; his arms were straight down his sides with his wrists near his ankles. He allowed the various hands to maintain him in whatever position they wished. He resisted none of their manipulations. He could only respond with increasing trebles and occasional uncontrollable moans.
“You doctors who cannot see Billy’s penis just stoop down a bit to notice the fullness of it. He is probably a little nervous.” Dr. Carlton smiled at Billy’s glassy eyed-look, “Aren’t you Billy?” Billy only released a pleasurable moan. His dick was dripping more. Billy even found himself trying to lick the cum that was dribbling over his lips so it would not run into his eyes.
“Doctors, I want to point out that now that his penis is fully hard, detecting any irregularities in the stretched-out, fleshy tissue is easier. So, each of you, one at a time, squat next to Billy and use the palms of your hands to roll his penis back and forth as if you are warming your hands together. Gloves are not needed for this. As you roll his penis between your palms, check for the feel of the smoothness and evenness of the penis surface.”
As several doctors did just that, Billy’s body jerked and twitched as he shouted out a loud animalistic growl, “Ahhhhhhh, ... doctors! ... doctors! ... I coming ... sorry ... I ... I’m... I’m so sorry! ...,“ and splat after splat of cum squirted all over the floor with some landing on Billy’s bunched-up t-shirt and some of the squirts hitting his neck, chin and basically running down his upside-down face, even dribbling into his mouth. “I’m so sorry, I am so ashamed, I don’t mean to ... I am so, so sorry I ... messed up ... I couldn’t help ...” Billy was so embarrassed. The doctors were all listening to his display of humiliation, and so far, they were fully enjoying it.
128 Specimen
Part 2 of 2
So there was young Billy Mills, naked, in Classroom A, boned-up, and being examined by four interns. Dr. Carlson wanted to use him as a teaching subject for these new “almost” doctors. Billy was panting heavily for a while as all the doctors exchanged smiles and padded his body gently as if to signal it was all over.

Billy’s sexual explosion was not spoken about. It was just ignored. Dr. Carlton simply continued. “OK, now, everyone shift positions, and Dr. Kim, let’s see how you do. You may take the stool.” Sitting on the stool put the doctor at eye level with Billy’s jutting ass.
Please, no ... please ... aren’t we done?” The doctor shook his head. “May I ... may I go to the restroom first ... and... and ... Oh, fuck ... and get cleaned up I ...” Billy pleaded with a child-like, pouting, whimpering, still in his upside-down position.”
“Billy, you’re fine. You made a little mistake, don’t worry about it. Besides, we are almost done.” Dr. Carlton lied again.
Dr. Kim took his time, wanting Billy to recover a bit more and quiet down, not for Billy’s sake but for the enjoyment of the doctors. Billy’s dick quickly became flaccid, shrunken after climax, and hidden in his groin area. He was at least grateful that his now very sensitive dick was not being touched, and he felt that that part of his exam was over. Little did he know.
Knowing his dick would be super sensitive, Dr. Kim avoided touching it. He merely patted and tenderly rubbed Billy’s lower back and ass cheeks, seemingly caring, and tickled his ass crack with his gloved hand pretending it was accidental touching. Dr. Kim was being very patient, to a point, but they wanted to continue his exam. He lightly massaged the two large testicles before him as if feeling for abnormalities. Billy was beginning to move about and twitch a little.
“Please, Mr. Mills, don’t move around during our examination, OK? Try to be calm. Stay still. Keep your hands grabbing your ankles. And place your feet further apart.” Dr. Kim spoke with a heavy Korean accent. At some point, Billy had managed to put his feet at a normal distance apart. Dr. Epstein gently tapped the inside of Billy’s lower legs, and Billy spread them much wider once again.
Feeling comforted by the gentle touches from Dr. Kim, Billy humbly asked, “Doctor, may I wipe my face off first, please.” He did not want to disturb the doctor, but on the other hand, cum was still dripping from his face and now tickling his nose. He just wanted to get his jism off himself. But it was unimportant to doctors, who ignored his desire for comfort, dignity, or humility.
“Mr. Mills, before I do a rectal exam, I first check your perineum. Please hold still.” And Dr. Kim gently rubbed Billy’s perineum area. Then he applied a small amount of lube and rubbed his lubed finger the full length of the area between Billy’s asshole and his balls. Very slowly. Over and over again. Billy was now very relaxed, still being held in the upside-down “U” position. Billy released a moan, just one.
Then Dr. Kim increased his movement toward the ass lips to circle the edge all around. More moans from Billy. Then without any more delay, he entered the boy’s asshole, slipping his large gloved finger in, in one swift but smooth, easy movement. And the Doctor “parked” his finger fully inside Billy’s ass and left it there for a while, keeping it still. Dr. Carlton, for the first time during the exam, was rather quiet and amazed to observe this unusual Asian art of touching.
After a few minutes, Dr. Kim began a movement of his finger inside Billy’s ass, which was very slow spinning and plunging. It was like the agitator of a washing machine, except in a slow and methodical motion. He did this for quite a while, reading all the signs of Billy’s body, which was again twisting uncontrollably. And there it was. Right there. In plain sight. Billy’s dick began to grow and move, sliding downward toward his knees, with a mind of its own, obeying the doctor’s touch. Billy just surrendered to all the hands taking charge.
Billy heard himself mumble, “Please.” But ... please, what? He had not a clue. He was not doing anything; he was just there, just nowhere. He uttered a few throaty moans, and his body, still held in the upside-down “U,” shook more, or ... were the doctors shaking his body as part of the examination. He could not grasp a complete thought.
“Mr. Mills, try to hold still for me so we can complete your examination. Thank you.” Billy wasn’t resisting, but the doctor wanted to reinforce his control over this play toy. “Your anus seems looser now. It’s a good thing I have long fingers and can probe further inside to feel for irregularities if any are present.” Dr. Kim never removed his finger from Billy’s asshole as he checked Billy’s other private parts. “Now I will exam for tissue consistencies on your testicles, and then I’ll examine your penis surface.”
“Please ...” was all Billy weakly mumbled in his hazy mental state. Dr. Kim smiled at that submission and encouraged it. The other doctors obviously were enjoying Dr. Kim’s approach to manipulating their cute little “captive” patient.
Dr. Kim maintained a slow movement of his right index finger buried deep into Billy’s asshole and gently wiggling it continuously to keep Billy’s mind prisoner in his current erotic state, and pretended not to understand Billy. “Please? Mr. Mills? What do you mean by ‘please?’ Please inspect your testicles now? Or please continue as I please? You do not speak clearly like a good specimen. If you are not a good specimen, we cannot use you. Do you want to be a good specimen to study? Are you here to be used? Can you try better to follow directions? Why do you resist? Mr. Mills. Explain.” Of course, Billy was not resisting at all. He was not doing anything. All was done to him.
Billy felt so embarrassed to complain to these professionals doing important studies. “Please ... I ... I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you ... Please continue to study me. ... I ...” Billy was sniveling, almost in tears. He was lost in the power of all these hands and commands and trying to please. “I’ll be good. ... a good specimen ... I ... I won’t... I won’t... give you no trouble ... Please study my ass ... and ball ... my dick ... I beg you ... I am so sorry I’m a fucked up specimen.”
“Mr. Mills, just be calm. Be still. This is not a game. Look at the mess you made on the floor. If you ejaculate yourself, we must start over. Try to control yourself, Mr. Mills.” The Korean doctor taunted the confused kid, who kept saying he was sorry. He pointed to Billy’s discarded dark gray underwear, which Dr. Epstein handed him.
“Here,” Dr. Kim said as he handed Billy his underwear, “clean up.” Billy, while continuously bent over with his ass in the air, took his underwear and started to bring it up to his face to finally wipe the cum from his eyes and nose. “No ... NO! That rag is for you to wipe off my shoe. You made a mess on it. Wipe off your messy juice from my shoe.”
Billy started to bend down, but before he did any wiping, the classroom door swung open, and a noisy rush of students came, all chatting and excited about various medical school events. As usual, they hustled directly to their seats without really looking around. Billy was stooped over, and therefore his was not very notifiable to those just coming in.
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” Billy thought as he straightened up and stood there totally naked, frozen, holding his underwear “rag” in his hand. “ALL THESE PEOPLE ... WHO ARE… WHAT...” He felt light-headed and disoriented. He had no idea he would be “used” in a med class lesson. Oh, and he had a stiff boner!
“Never mind the students,” Dr. Kim said, slightly annoyed. The doctor held his foot in front of Billy. He was in a daze as he complied with some hesitation, using his own briefs to wipe off the doctor’s shoe. “Wipe it clean here also.” Dr. Kim said as he tilted his foot sideways to show Billy the bottom of his shoe sole.
The equally women and men students suddenly hissed as they saw the naked, boned-up boy wiping Dr. Kim’s shoe.
“Everyone, please, take your seats. Our subject today made a mess, but we won’t go into that right now,” Dr. Carlton told them. “Let me introduce an unscheduled subject, Billy Mills. He just happened to come in to have a specific discoloration on his thigh. I asked Billy if he didn’t mind allowing all of you to watch his examination. He was delighted to do so.”
“What did I do?” Billy reflected in his mind. He tried to make sense of what the doctor was saying. “When did I …what did ...” Unsure of himself. He did not voice any objections. He was too dazed and confused to say anything. He considered that he must have agreed if a doctor was saying this. But…
Dr. Carlson continued, “I thought, since he is already here, we can postpone today’s planned subject and study Billy’s issue instead.”
Billy heard all this as he rubbed his underwear all along the sole of Dr. Kim’s shoe. He wondered if he would be wearing that underwear home or not. He was not thinking in terms of consequences. He just did as told. When he finished cleaning the shoe, he just dropped his underwear on top of his cum-soaked t-shirt. “Good boy, now ... hands back on your ankles, no more moving about. Oh, better turn your butt to the class so they can see this.”
Finally, Dr. Carlton resumed his instructions. “Class, we see that Billy has an erection. This is the second one he has displayed today. He showed us one just minutes earlier. This condition, technically known as “stiffy perspicuous,” must not be ignored. I can be a sign of a… “ Dr. Carlton did not finish his absurd thought. “Let’s not waste an opportunity to further examine the uncut structure of his penis.” Upon hearing that, Billy started to whimper and release more precum. “Oh, but first, stand up straight, so the class can see your erection.” When he did, “Class, make a note of the size, shape, length, of his penis”
“But how can one examine his penis if the foreskin is covering it?” a young student, Elayne, asked.
“Excellent question,” Dr. Carlton pointed out. “Elayne and you other students, feel free to come up here for a close-up look. I’m going to take this medical band. It’s just a sterilized elastic band similar to a rubber band placed it over his penis.” He held it up for all to see. Then he sat on the stool Dr. Kim just vacated. Everyone watched as Dr. Carlton, working behind Billy and between his widespread legs, pushed Billy’s foreskin all the way up to his groin, exposing the full length of Billy’s shaft.
“Now, the issue here is that when we examine the penis, the foreskin often falls back down. So watch as I place this band all the way down his penis and trap the entire rolled-up foreskin down next to his torso. Now, his penis will stay fully naked, and we are now able to examine the fleshy tube itself for as long as we want. The band will keep him completely exposed no matter how he moves about. But, be aware that now his penis is much more sensitive to touch, and ... doctors ... we don’t want him to have to clean up the floor again.” All the interns laugh. “After all, he only has his socks and pants left for floor cleaning. Again, more laughter.
“OK, Dr. Bowman, please take the stool, and put on a glove, and let’s begin with two fingers this time since Billy must be looser back there, but lube them up good. Now, even though Billy’s penis is fully erect, class, I want you all to look closely at it in its uncovered state. We will do this from behind him, from between his spread thighs.”
Billy, of course, was still totally naked, bent over in an upside-down “U,” just as he was when he first entered the room and stripped. Except now, he was in a submissive erotic trance-like state and covered in a sheen of sweat as he moaned continuously to himself, maybe to release excessive erotic energy. “I want one of you doctors to put your open, flat hand between Billy’s belly and his penis. Then, push his penis back toward between his spread thighs so whoever is examining his anus with the finger insertion technique will have Billy’s uncovered penis right there pointing back to him. This is better for feeling the penis texture and making observations. I’ll do this first to demonstrate.”
Dr. Carlton slipped his hand between Billy’s belly and his ridged boner, forcing Billy’s penis unnaturally backward to Dr. Bowman. With 2 fingers investigating Billy’s ass, Dr. Bowman took his other hand and gently petted the highly sensitive foreskin-bare penis pointing directly at him. Of course, with Billy bent over, and his big stiff dick pushed backward through his thighs, Dr. Bowman looked down at the underside or backside of that magnificent boner.
Billy felt his body begin to shake involuntarily from being lightly teased and ticked. It seemed like hours to him, but according to the detailed notes Dr. Carlton was recording, it was only 11 minutes since his first climax. How much more time and what other inventive techniques would be used between climax two and three, and between three and four, was yet to be discovered. More importantly, how many climaxes would it take for Billy to climax totally dry without producing a single drop of semen would most likely be discovered in the next 6 to 8 hours. Billy was uncontrollably bouncing on the balls of his naked feet while oozing more syrupy precum. He had no control over his own body anymore.
Now, I want every student to form a line,” Dr. Carlton announced. When it is your turn, take a glove out of the box, put it on, apply a little lubricant, and you will push your finger into Billy’s anus. I want to show you want a healthy prostate feels like.”
“Push what in my… my… anus?” Billy thought as he leaned over, with his ass out, and was trying to formulate some bit of resistance.
“Doctor, I… I …want to be… ah ... helpful, but… but I can’t …” Billy mumbled.
“Oh, but Billy, you are being helpful, and think you for allowing all of us to use your asshole.” Dr. Carlton smiled. He actually used the word “asshole” instead of “anus.” How odd.
Then, Billy, not knowing what else to say, blurted out, “Oh … you’re welcome, doctor.”
“Billy, it’s not just us doctors, but these hard-working students.”
“Oh, thank you, students, for examining my… my… asshole.” He babbled in his sexual daze. Yasha now had her index finger in Billy’s ... ah… asshole but had difficulty finding his prostate gland. “I don’t feel anything, Dr. Carlton.”
“Oh, see? Your finger is only inserted halfway. Push your finger all the way inside his hole and then wiggle it around.”
“Please… Doctors… Please... I’m going to… to… Please …” was all Billy could stutter out.
“No need to say please. We are all here to help you, Billy. All of us doctors and every student here who will finger your asshole is doing it to learn from you. So, no need to thank us. We thank you, Billy, for volunteering your asshole for our use.” Dr. Carlton said cheerfully.
But Yasha still had trouble finding the gland. “I must be doing something wrong.”
“I see. You have shorter fingers. It’s common with females. Here, let me show you an additional technique.” The doctor took Yasha’s other hand and brought it around to Billy’s belly. He placed her hand preciously just about Billy’s jutting dick. “Now, you have one finger in this patient’s ass and the other hand on his belly. Now, push your hand together firmly. This should give you extra strength to insert your finger the furthest possible up into Billy’s tight asshole.”
“Yes, yes, I feel two of the lumps of his prostrate!” Yasha said with excitement.
Because Billy was bent over, no one saw that Yasha actually had her other hand around Billy’s rigid dick. She used his dick as a push-handle, pushing on Billy’s stiff pole. She must have misunderstood. But it worked anyway.
“Now, wiggle your inserted finger around and see if you can feel part of a third lump.”
She did. “Oh, yes. I do.”
Then turning to the other students in line, Dr. Carlton announced, “So, all of you, to more fully insert your finger, you might want to do the same thing as Yasha just did.”
Billy’s body was twitching; his dick was steel-hard and dripping. He needed to climax. But no one was addressing any concerns of his. Yasha was only the third med student to finger fuck Billy’s asshole – it was all in the name of medical science, of course – But there were 26 other students in line, all of which were required to go through the same finger-fucking procedure.
Oddly, Yasha was still on her turn, pushing on Billy’s dick, still wiggling her inserted finger, and now she was giggling excitedly. 26 more times. Yes, 26.
It was going to be a long exam for cute little Billy Mills. He was on the verge of shooting his second wad of fuck juice. In Billy’s mind, it was no longer his pending climax, his fuck juice, or even his body. It was the clinic’s exam, study, or experiment. He was not even a part of it. His body was there for their use, but presenting his body was the totality of his responsibility. Whatever happens from this time forward to his body is clearly in the hands of these fine doctors, not to mention all these innocent young med students. He was just to be their... “specimen study.”
The End
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